
Confirmation for high school teens at St. Clement’s is a two-year process.  The Confirmation Preparation Program uses the YDisciple and Decision Point programs as the foundation for its teachings.  Please click those links to view their websites. Confirmation groups are formed in the 8th grade and will stay with the same group leader until confirmation. The groups will meet on the night and time that is convenient for the groups. We ask that the groups meet twice a month.

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

Saint Catherine of Siena

Confirmation is parish-centered

St Clement’s Parish Registration

Youth who attend a Catholic high school are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation at their parish not in their high school religion classes.  Because parishioners at St. Clement’s Parish come from a large geographic area, the teens attend high school in many various schools – both private and public.  This allows St. Clement’s confirmation candidates to form communal bonds as brothers and sisters in the Lord as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. All teens are expected to participate in the two years of Confirmation preparation at St. Clement’s Parish.

Confirmation for high school teens at St. Clement’s is a two-year process.  The Confirmation Preparation Program uses the YDisciple and Decision Point programs as the foundation for its teachings.  Please click those links to view their websites. Confirmation groups are formed in the 8th grade and will stay with the same group leader until confirmation. The groups will meet on the night and time that is convenient for the groups. We ask that the groups meet twice a month.


Confirmation Sponsor

Download Sponsor Form & Info.

A sponsor is chosen by the candidate early in the first year of Confirmation preparation. The sponsor is a person of the Catholic faith, who will accompany the candidate on his/her spiritual journey in the Catholic faith.

We encourage the sponsor to be participate in the formation of their Confirmandae.  The following link allows the sponsor to receive the video catechesis content direct from Decision Point as their confirmandae prepares for the Sacrament. Decision Point Confirmation Link

The Confirmation sponsor must be a (1) confirmed Catholic in good standing who is (2) able to receive Holy Communion without impediment, (3) and is at least 16 years of age. (4) The sponsor must Not be the candidate’s parent.

Because our process involves active reflection between the sponsor and the sponsor should be comfortable sharing and talking about spiritual matters and have the time to keep in regular contact with the candidate.

If you have further questions about the role of sponsor please contact us.

Confirmation Registration

Confirmation Core Prep Team

The Confirmation Core Team for our high school youth in the parish volunteer their time, and commit themselves to walking the Christian path as a living example of the teachings of Christ.  This ministry often requires not only a commitment of time each week, but also a commitment of love and dedication to teaching our faith to the young people of our community.

It is important for the youth of our parish to not only have the support of their parents in their spiritual growth, but to also have good examples of adults who put their faith into practice every day.  Our Core Team answers this call every week by preparing lessons and relevant materials for the teens to lead them closer to Christ.

To explore volunteering for this ministry, and training for it, call Randy Rivers at the parish offices.

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